Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Querying, Tracking and Staying Organized

So, in the past I've been...less than organized with my query process. I used querytracker pretty religiously, but that didn't particularly help when it came to multiple projects over the course of time as I wasn't willing to pay for it.

Part of this is that I wanted a database I could utilize offline as well as online and part of this was just simply my own weirdness about what I should pay money for. In any case, this time around I am determined to be organized so I don't accidentally query the same agent twice for the same project. (Yes, I did this, I am still embarrassed about it)

So I came up with this spreadsheet design. Color coded, dated, with notes for guidelines, the email address, agent's name and all of that easily accessible and checkable. I've also put contests in here so I can keep track of dates and the like.

It's as detailed as I need it to be, basically. It also means that if ever switch to a new email account, I'll still have all of these tracked outside of my folder system and won't accidentally requery and agent whose rejected my project previously. (Yeah...)

The take away from this is, be consistent in your organizational method. If you need folders in your email, do it. If you need to use querytracker, do it. If you need a highly detailed, color-coded spread sheet? Do it. But make sure you are keeping track.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

PitchWars Commission Winners

Many of you expressed an interest in seeing all of the winner's portraits once complete. Here they are in order of completion.

Hershey for Jeanne Intrieri

Hansel for Olivia Chadha 

Bandit for Beka Olson

If you're wondering about your own pet portraits, hit up my sidebar, I Can Make You Art, located to the right of this post. Cheers!